Thursday, March 20, 2008

Do Home Remedies Work for acne and pimple scars?

Acne Scars are a big headache for those who have them. They remain for the lifetime and one ages, they become more prominent. Is there any home remedy for acne scars and does that work? Let us try to find out.

Acne Scar- what is it?

 Most of the acne scars are depressed types. When acne develops, it spreads to the skin cells deeper in the skin. These skin cells are mainly collagen in the skin, which is destroyed by the acne inflammation. Once the acne heals, skin forms over the depression and the scar becomes permanent. One can see a depression in the skin.

Depressed scars may be of different types. This classification is done on the basis of how they look. The common types of acne scars are- Icepick scars, Boxcar scars and Rolling scars.
Icepick scars are deep scars. They may also be superficial. They look sharp as if the skin has been cut with an icepick.

Boxcar scars are oval or round and they are not very deep.
When the scarred skin looks rolled, the scars are known as rolling scars.

Acne Scars- how they can improve in look?

These are permanent changes in the skin and have now healed. Many people have acne scars that they would like to eliminate or at least have them appear less visible. Creams are usually not going to have any affect on old, deep scars. The best approach to repair and remove acne scars is to treat the acne right away, as sometimes even mild acne can cause scarring. As a result, that is the best way to minimize the risk of permanent acne scars.

Discovering how to repair and remove acne and pimple scars is for many people and expensive process especially if techniques such as laser surgery or dermabrasion are used and the possibility of further infection gaining hold after these type of treatments have finished make this treatment less appealing.

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